Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine that stands the test of time for treatment of pain, musculoskeletal injuries, and many other ailments. Whether the condition is chronic or acute, acupuncture can greatly decrease pain by releasing soft tissue tension, resetting neurological reflexes and pain signals, calming the central nervous s
Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine that stands the test of time for treatment of pain, musculoskeletal injuries, and many other ailments. Whether the condition is chronic or acute, acupuncture can greatly decrease pain by releasing soft tissue tension, resetting neurological reflexes and pain signals, calming the central nervous system, and improving blood flow and nutrients to the tissues.
Acupuncture can even increase the body's natural healing capabilities by decreasing inflammation throughout the body and activating releases of Stem Cells into the blood.
Acupuncture creates more capillary growth at the injured areas and sends the entire body into parasympathetic nervous system dominance (rest and repair as opposed to fight or flight). Using the holistic approach of traditional Chinese Medicine alongside modern sports medicine creates the comprehensive care for musculoskeletal injuries.
In Dry Needling, the practitioner is treating anatomically significant points such as trigger points and motor points in affected tissues. Trigger points are needled to release painful and taught muscular bands. Motor Points are needled to reset overactive muscles and to reactivate under-active muscles. Many anatomically significant point
In Dry Needling, the practitioner is treating anatomically significant points such as trigger points and motor points in affected tissues. Trigger points are needled to release painful and taught muscular bands. Motor Points are needled to reset overactive muscles and to reactivate under-active muscles. Many anatomically significant points, such as motor points, are also classic Acupuncture Points. As a Licensed Acupuncturist with advanced training in Sports Medicine, Derrick can needle points within muscle bellies as well as thread joint spaces, tendons, ligaments, etc.
Derrick has been classically trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Anatomically Significant Needling. In his treatments you’ll receive modalities that have roots in both thousands of years of results and modern scientific research. The relief you’ll experience is a direct result of my multi-disciplinary approach.
Derrick has a unique combination of education and experience in Rehabilitation Science, Strength and Conditioning, and Acupuncture. He has been trained in some of the most ancient forms of medicine for treating pain and inflammation as well as the most modern modalities to improve mobility and rehab injuries to a fully functional level. He utilizes traditional knowledge and modern acupuncture techniques to reduce pain, release trigger points, activate inhibited muscles, and improve movement patterns.
Derrick’s formal education and certifications include:
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